5 Ways HR can be influential in driving growth December 19, 2017

5 Ways HR can be influential in driving growth
The human resource team have always been seen as an arm of the executive management team that have cared more about policing the staff rather than caring for them. They are usually seen as gate keepers that have little interest in the employees. The problem with the HR team is that they need to balance the interest of different stakeholders, which might result in the employees thinking their interests are ignored. The HR team are fully qualified, they undertake HR management course and Human resource courses on a regular basis to keep their skills up to date.
Recently the HR team have been better at tooting their own horn and educating staff of what they are actually contributing to the company. A good HR department is critical to an employee productive workplace in which they are happy. The HR team owns the overall talent management process; this is not something they complete on their own, they also rely heavily on managers and executive staff to help plan and execute the strategies.
The HR team provide leadership, training, recruitment planning process and provide interview expertise. There are many ways the HR team can drive the growth of the company such as:
Business leaders sometimes entirely focus on the strategic planning and the day to day operations of the business and can lose sight of the vision and values. The HR department can re ground the business leaders to remind them that their company needs to be based on the values they first decided on. The HR team can also play a powerful role by modelling the values of the company on their own team’s behaviour and actions which will help when new strategies are created.
The major problem for managers is that there is insufficient talent within their companies, this will mean that there is insufficient leadership, lack of alignment of individual and business objectives. The HR team get to know people on a personal level and learn about their personal goals to ensure that they are a good fit within the company. The HR department need to get the most out of their employees to drive growth, this is the best way to encourage and empower them.
In many companies, the relationship between head of HR and the CEO is the most trusted and valued relationship. This puts a lot of pressure on the HR department and also gives them the power to improve the CEO’s ideas and overall performance. They provide relevant feedback and pass on any constructive criticism. These usually are concerns that might harm the company financially.
The head of HR is a person that fully understands the company corporate strategy as a whole. A successful manager needs to focus on strategic planning, they make suggestions and preparations so that the company implements its strategy and achieve its goals. They are usually included in the Board of Directors or Executive committee to develop different levels of relationship within higher management.
The HR team are responsible for taking initiative regarding the company, they are responsible for the planning and executing of many plans within the company. They take the lead when a member of staff need HR courses to renew their knowledge. They should be proactive with suggestions, feedback and take on more tasks.
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