Sustained media campaigns can help drive strategic organizational change, build public perceptions and drive reputation with key stakeholders. Well planned and executed campaigns are a cost-effective means of changing perceptions and increasing stakeholder value for an organisation.
This powerful program takes a problem solving approach to the design of media campaigns. By closely fitting the campaign to core business priorities as well as project objectives, campaign design reinforces key messages and organizational strategy. Participants will develop the skills to design, plan, cost, deliver and evaluate campaigns using the full range of media and channels. Case study examples in print and video will be used throughout.
Action planning for the workplace to put ideas into action is a strong feature of the program.
The program emphasizes the following competencies:
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Employees of professional or formally regulated bodies are generally expected to have CPD accredited training. This type of accreditation ensures that the training is knowledgeable, informed and constantly updated. It ensures our standards as a company are kept high and consistent.
100000+ Members in
59+ Countries with
3000+ Chapters
We will never cancel a confirmed booking
We offer around the clock support
We customise our courses to suit your personal learning needs
Our courses are delivered by highly experienced industry experts
All our courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Agency
Training is hugely beneficial to both yourself and your company. It enables you to employ new technologies, increases your productivity and enables you to be more autonomous. Have a look here at our infographic on the importance of training and development!
Our course content is constantly reviewed and updated to ensure we stay up to date with all the latest trends. After every course is completed we review the feedback and improve the material where necessary.
Yes, we focus our training on ‘real-world’ scenarios and our trainers are all highly experienced and skilled in their relevant fields.
Yes, we offer certification with all our courses, every course is entitled to CPD (Continuous Professional Development) hours which you can put towards your professional portfolio.