7 reasons to study a travel and tourism course in London October 31, 2018
7 reasons to study a travel and tourism course in London
Tourism is a very big industry. If you live by a seaside or in the city you will be used to the tourists flocking to it every summer. If you live in London you will see many tourists wandering around the underground with baffled looks on their faces. They might be bumping into irritating commuters whilst fumbling with their maps but most likely you were one at one point in time. Travel and tourism is a global and popular industry which requires plenty of workers to keep it ticking over.
There are places around the world that solely depend on tourism to give their economy a boost so undertaking a tourism course will help you to progress in the industry. Places such as Dubai recruit many workers from the Philippines to work in their travel and tourism industry.
Travel and tourism courses are very vocational in its nature and will focus on all the management techniques to policy and strategy. You will be able to learn everything you need to enter a career in the sector after you complete the course.
Here are some reasons to study travel and tourism courses in London:
There are many jobs in the travel and tourism industry and many of the pay quiet well. Some of the jobs include concierge, flight attendant, hotel general manager and hotel reservation agent. There are many different seasons of tourism which means that there are well paid positions throughout the year.
Travel coursesprovide skills that are in demand everywhere in the world, tourism is part of every countries economy. Every country is trying to do their bit to increase their tourism as it brings in big money, whether you are in a hotel position or an event planner you will be learning skills that are transferable to every country.
Travel and tourism courses are very flexible, you will be able to study and undertake work experience to help you to get a good position. In the tourism sector you can earn a full time income with full time hours in a short work week.
There are many perks when you enter a travel and tourism career. There are many positions that can have flexible health and dental coverage, life insurance and annual bonuses. You can get perks such as hotel reservations or free flights to many different countries.
When you study a travel and tourism course you are guaranteed to work with many different people from all walks of life and different ethnicities. The course will help you with your interpersonal skills to ensure you are able to communicate with everyone you meet.
The career that can come from a travel and tourism course is always an exciting one. Your days will not be the same, you will experience changes in business volumes. This is a great career for any one that likes to be on their feet.
The skills you learn in this course will help you to excel in many different careers if you think travel and tourism is not the career for you.
Want to study a tourism course? Contact us to find out more about the travel and tourism courseswe can offer you at London TFE.