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How to choose a career in chemical engineering January 16, 2019

How to choose a career in chemical engineering

How to choose a career in chemical engineering

Chemical engineering is all about using chemistry in the real world to solve problems. Chemical engineers apply math and science knowledge to create new manufacturing methods and develop new processes and proper safety procedures for working with chemicals. Materials like plastics, mass produced pharmaceuticals, cleaner forms of fossil fuels and genetic research are all made possible due to the work of chemical engineers.

If you are thinking of doing an engineering course but not sure  on how to follow up on it then continue reading to find out how to choose a career in chemical engineering.

Academic route

  • Five GCSEs (grades A-C), these should include science courses, such as chemistry, physics, and biology. They should also include math courses, including algebra, trigonometry, and calculus
  • Three A levels, including maths, chemistry and possibly another science subject.
  • An accredited BEng degree in chemical, process or biochemical engineering

What skills are needed?

  • Analytical skills: Chemical engineers must troubleshoot designs that do not work as planned. They must ask the right questions and then find answers that work.
  • Creativity: Chemical engineers must explore new ways of applying engineering principles. They work to invent new materials, advanced manufacturing techniques, and new applications in chemical and biomedical engineering.
  • Ingenuity: Chemical engineers learn the broad concepts of chemical engineering, but their work requires them to apply those concepts to specific production problems.
  • Interpersonal skills: Because their role is to put scientific principles into practice in manufacturing industries, chemical engineers must develop good working relationships with other workers involved in production processes.
  • Math skills: Chemical engineers use the principles of advanced math topics such as calculus for analysis, design, and troubleshooting in their work.
  • Problem-solving skills: In designing equipment and processes for manufacturing, these engineers must be able to anticipate and identify problems, including such issues as workers’ safety and problems related to manufacturing and environmental protection.

Looking for an engineering course? Find out more about the chemical engineering course on offer at London TFE and book on to one of our chemical courses today.

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